Sugam Vedic School

Sugam Vedic School (SVS) is an initiative by Sugam Samskhaaraa to provide education in cultural values to the young of the Indian community.

Our Goals


To inculcate in children a sense of belonging, a sense of identity and a sense of

pride in their rich, Vedic heritage


To teach and train the students in core values of Vedic life, based on timeless



To help them live those values in their everyday lives.

Age Group

Students from the age of 6 to 16

Curriculum at SVS encompasses :

Purnavidya Vedic Heritage Programme

Chanting of Slokas


Bhagavad Gita


Our Teachers

Front Row Seated from Left: Sushmeeta Balan Kumar, Kavitha Davaidass, Tikchnapreiya Ravindran, Sumitra Jayaseelan, Prishu Devi Gengarajoo, Tinna Devi Armasamy, Sujietra Jayaseelan

Second Row Standing from Left: Roshan Ramesh, Prashanth Ramasamy 

Back row standing from Left: Nagendra Mahaletchimy, Sohbithan Segar, Navindran Krishnanandan, Jayaseelan Jegathesan, Gunasilan Muthusamy, Chitdrakantan Subramaniam, Muralitharan Paramasua

Our Activities

Sugam Global Vedic Competition

Sugam Global Vedic Competition 2021